Software Security (4774) : SSA E1 Developer (13256) - Digital : The Art of Cryptography_FP (58485) Answers

Digital : The Art of Cryptography_FP (58485)

Software Security (4774) : SSA E1 Developer (13256)

Digital : The Art of Cryptography_FP (58485)

Digital : The Art of Cryptography_FP Assessment Answers (58485)

Which of the following is most suitable to secure passwords?

a. Encryption

b. Authorization

c. Non-repudiation

d. Authentication

Answer: Encryption

The cryptographic device based on rotor systems, used by the Germans during World War II is __________.

a. KL-7

b. Typex

c. NEMA machine

d. Enigma

Answer: Enigma

Which of the following is a characteristic of block ciphers?

a. Simple key scheduling

b. Fixed key length/Key size/Number of rounds

c. Key dependent S-boxes

d. Data/key independent rotation

Answer: Fixed key length/Key size/Number of rounds

Which among the following is the most resistant to frequency analysis?

a. Beaufort

b. Vigenere

c. Playfair

d. Random polyalphabetic

Answer: Random polyalphabetic

Which among the following is the most desirable property to enhance the computational complexity of cryptosystems?

a. Complexity of the algorithm

b. Number of rounds

c. Number of keys

d. Key size

Answer: Number of rounds

The number of keys used in Triple DES algorithm is __________.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 2 or 3

d. 3

Answer: 2 or 3

Transmission errors are propagated in the following modes, except __________.

a. Output Feedback Mode

b. Cipher Block Chaining

c. Cipher Feedback Mode

Answer: Output Feedback Mode

The size of the output produced by hash functions is __________

a. Fixed based on the hash algorithm

b. Always 128 bits

c. Non-deterministic

d. Dependent on the size of the input block

Answer: Fixed based on the hash algorithm

Based on the network security protocols, which of the following algorithms are used to generate message digests?

a. MD5

b. AES

c. DES

d. RSA

Answer: MD5

The design of the AES algorithm is based on Feistel cipher. Choose the correct option from below list

a. False

b. True

Answer: False

The idea behind “confusion” in cryptography is to hide the relationship between the plaintext and ciphertext. Select the correct option from below list

a. True

b. False

Answer: False

The hash function value used in message authentication is also known as __________ Select correct option from below list

a. Hash code

b. Digital Signature

c. Message Authentication Code

d. Message Digest

Answer: Message Digest

The Diffie-Hellman algorithm exploits the computational complexity of the __________ problem. Select correct option from below list

a. Discrete logarithm

b. Integer factorization

c. Exponential logarithm

Answer: Discrete logarithm

The strategy used to ensure that the message is a multiple of the cipher block size without compromising the size of the ciphertext is ________. Choose the correct option from below list

a. Ciphertext stealing

b. Padding

c. Refactoring

d. Diffusion

Answer: Ciphertext stealing

RC4 is a block cipher. Choose the correct option from below list

a. False

b. True

Answer: False

The primary goal of cryptanalysis is to __________. Select the correct option from below list

a. Find the insecurities of the cryptosystem

b. Understand the design of the cryptosystem

c. Analyze the efficiency of the cryptosystem

d. Break the cryptosystem

Answer: Find the insecurities of the cryptosystem

What is the size of the hash value produced by the MD5 algorithm? Choose the correct option from below list

a. 256 bits

b. Depends on the size of the input

c. 64 bits

d. 128 bits

Answer: 128 bits

RSA is a Deterministic Encryption Algorithm as there is no random component. Choose the correct option from below list

a. True

b. False

Answer: True

The method adopted by block cipher modes to generate unique ciphertexts even if the same plaintext is encrypted multiple times is________. Choose the correct option from below list

a. Initialization Vector

b. Random Keys

c. Padding

d. Blockchain

Answer: Initialization Vector

Which of the following poses challenges in the breaking of the Vigenère Cipher? Choose the correct option from below list

a. Number of Shifts

b. Secrecy of Key

c. Length of the Key

d. Frequency Analysis

Answer: Length of the Key

The cipher generated by combining multiple transformations to enhance the security of the resultant cipher is __________. Choose the correct option from below list

a. Block ciphers

b. Polyalphabetic ciphers

c. Transformation ciphers

d. Product ciphers

Answer: Product ciphers

The process that attempts to understand the art and science of encryption and decryption is known as __________. Choose the correct option from below list

a. Cryptography

b. Cryptology

c. Cryptanalysis

Answer: Cryptology

Encryption helps protect data against __________ Choose the correct option from below list

a. All the options

b. Manipulation of data

c. Forgery

d. Viruses

Answer: Manipulation of data

In cryptographic terms, what does cipher indicate? Choose the correct option from below list

a. The encrypted data

b. Both the options

c. The algorithm used for encryption and decryption

Answer: The algorithm used for encryption and decryption

Kerchkoff’s principle emphasizes that the cryptosystem should be accessible to the adversary without inconvenience. Choose the correct option from below list

a. False

b. True

Answer: True

Which of the following is widely used in cryptography to create a trapdoor function to facilitate the exchange of keys? Choose the correct option from below list

a. Random Number generation

b. Modular Arithmetic

c. Elliptic Curves

d. Factorization

Answer: Factorization

The use of hashing algorithms includes ________. Choose the correct option from below list

a. Monitoring data integrity

b. All the options

c. Data Authentication

d. Storing passwords

Answer: All the options

Digital Signature is implemented using the __________. Choose the correct option from below list

a. Symmetric key System

b. Keys are not used

c. Public key system

Answer: Public key system

The avalanche effect is an undesirable property in cryptographic algorithms. Choose the correct option from below list

a. True

b. False

Answer: False

Select the mode in which computations do not depend on outputs from previous stages. Choose the correct option from below list

a. Cipher Feedback Mode

b. Output Feedback Mode

c. Electronic Code Book

Answer: Electronic Code Book

Which among the following best describes hash collision attack? Select the correct option from below list

a. Different hash results when the same input is hashed multiple times

b. The same hash result when the same input is hashed multiple times

c. Different input strings, same hash result

d. Same input string, different hash results

Answer: Different input strings, same hash result

In which of the following cryptographic methods is the order of the units in the data rearranged to form the ciphertext?

a. Substitution ciphers

b. Block ciphers

c. Stream ciphersTransmission errors are propagated in the following modes, except

d. Transpositional ciphers

Answer: Transpositional ciphers

The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is applicable for the exchange of keys between two parties only. Select correct option from below list

a. True

b. False

Answer: False

Which among the following may be addressed using message authentication? Choose the correct option from below list

a. Content modification

b. Sequence modification

c. All the options

d. Timing modification

e. Masquerade

Answer: All the options

A widely used encryption algorithm that superseded DES as the new standard encryption algorithm is ________. Choose the correct option from below list


b. 3DES

c. Twofish

d. Rijndael

Answer: Rijndael

Which of the following is a pitfall in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange? Choose the correct option from below list

a. No Authentication

b. Size of keys

c. Computational Complexity

d. Key refactoring

Answer: No Authentication

The algorithm that is considered to have electrified non-military cryptology and cryptanalysis is ________. Choose the correct option from below list

a. DES

b. AES

c. Caesar Cipher

d. Vernam Cipher

Answer: Vernam Cipher

Which of the following is a major disadvantage of ECB mode? Choose the correct option from below list

a. Lack of diffusion

b. Parallelism

c. Simplicity

d. Inefficient processing of large blocks

Answer: Lack of diffusion

Secret Key Cryptography is effective for Communication over insecure channels. Choose the correct option from below list

a. True

b. False

Answer: False

The security principle that contradicts the idea of “security through obscurity” is _________. Choose the correct option from below list

a. Confidentiality

b. Non-repudiation

c. Kerchoff’s Principle

d. Shannon’s maxim

Answer: Kerchoff’s Principle

Which of the following cryptographic strategies may be used to overcome Man-in-the-Middle attacks? Choose the correct option from below list

a. Authentication

b. Authorization

c. Confusion

d. Encryption

Answer: Authentication

Note: This MCQ aims to achieve a 90% accuracy rate. If you notice any errors in the answers, please comment below and contribute to reaching 100% accuracy.

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