The postorder tree traversal
Rust Programming Language
Rust program that performs a postorder traversal of a binary tree:
struct TreeNode {val: i32,left: Option<Box<TreeNode>>,right: Option<Box<TreeNode>>,}impl TreeNode {fn new(val: i32) -> Self {Self { val, left: None, right: None }}}fn postorder_traversal(root: Option<Box<TreeNode>>) {if let Some(node) = root {postorder_traversal(node.left);postorder_traversal(node.right);println!("{}", node.val);}}fn main() {// Construct the treelet mut root = TreeNode::new(1);root.left = Some(Box::new(TreeNode::new(2)));root.right = Some(Box::new(TreeNode::new(3)));root.left.as_mut().unwrap().left = Some(Box::new(TreeNode::new(4)));root.left.as_mut().unwrap().right = Some(Box::new(TreeNode::new(5)));root.right.as_mut().unwrap().left = Some(Box::new(TreeNode::new(6)));root.right.as_mut().unwrap().right = Some(Box::new(TreeNode::new(7)));// Perform the postorder traversalprintln!("Postorder traversal:");postorder_traversal(Some(Box::new(root)));}{codeBox}
Postorder traversal:4526731{codeBox}
In this implementation, the TreeNode struct represents a node in the binary tree. Each node has a value and pointers to its left and right children. The postorder_traversal function performs a postorder traversal of the tree recursively by first visiting the left subtree, then visiting the right subtree, and finally printing the current node's value. The main function constructs a sample tree and performs a postorder traversal of the tree, printing out the values of each visited node.