Rust Programming
The for loop in Rust is used to iterate a range of numbers. The syntax of for loop is:
for variable in lower_bound_number..upper_bound_number {// code block}{codeBox}
Let's take a look at an example,
Example: Rust for Loop
fn main() {// usage of for loopfor i in 1..6 {println!("{}", i);}}{codeBox}
In this example, we print numbers 1 to 5 using the for syntax. If we look at the example closely, we see
for i in 1..6 {println!("{}", i);}{codeBox}
- for - is the keyword to start any for loop
- i - is known as the loop variable and should be a valid variable name
- in - is the keyword used to iterate over a series of values with for
- 1..6 - is known as an Iterator where 1 is the lower bound and 6 is the upper bound. This yields values from 1 (inclusive) to 6 (exclusive) in steps of one.
Example: Sum of First 10 Natural Numbers using for Loop
fn main() {let mut sum = 0;// for loop to iterate over first 10 natural numbersfor i in 1..11 {sum += i;}println!("Sum: {}", sum);}{codeBox}
Sum: 55{codeBox}
Here, we loop over the iterator 1..11, which yields values from 1 to 10. A sum variable is created to sum all the values in each iteration. Finally, we print the sum of all the values.