Organisation of Commerce And Management MCQ | HSC Maharastra Bord

Organisation of Commerce And Management

Organisation of Commerce And Management MCQ

Organisation of Commerce And Management Multiple Choice Questions With Answers 

1)___________ was regarded as Father of Scientific Management. 

A) Henry Fayol
B) F W Taylor
C) Philip Kotler 

Ans : F W Taylor

2) Principle of ___________ is based on 'A place for everything and everything in its place'. i.

A) Discipline
B) Order
C) Equity

Ans : Order 

3) Member of organization should receive orders from ____________ .

A) Amany superior
B) One superior
C) All superiors

Ans : One superior

4) Scalar chain means the hierarchy of __________ from the top level to the lower level for the purpose of cocommunication.

A) Discipline
B) Unity
C) Authority 

Ans : Authority

5) Taylor recommended total __________ foremen to control the various aspects of prproduction. 

A) Eight
B) Three
C) Two 

Ans : Eight

6) The functions of management start with __________ function. 

A) Organizing
B) Planning
C) Coordinating

Ans : Planning

7) The functions of management end with __________. 

A) Directing
B) Staffing
C) Controlling

Ans : Controlling 

8) __________ sets out standards for controlling.

A) Staffing
B) Planning
C) Coordinating 

Ans : Planning

9) Organization function is important for execution of the plans which have been prepared by __________ mamanagement. 

A) Top level
B) Middle level
C) Lower level

Ans : Top level

10) ___________ is the function which supports to activate the plans with the help of employees.

A) Staffing
B) Directing
C) Co-ordinating

Ans : Directing 

11) ____________ is the function of execution according to the plan and the organizational structure.

A) Controlling
B) Directing
C) Staffing

Ans : Directing

12) ______ arranges the work in such a way that minimum conflicts are raised.

A) Co-ordinating
B) Organizing
C) Controlling 

Ans : Co-ordinating

13) The word 'entrepreneur' is derived from the ________ word 'entreprendre'.

A) Japanese
B) English
C) French 

Ans : French

14) 'Entreprendre' means to _________

A) Undertake
B) Enterprise
C) Businessman

Ans : Undertake

15) Start Up India is an initiative of the _______________.

B) Government of India
C) World Bank

Ans : Government of India

16) ___________ is the idea of bringing urban residents to rural areas, by empowering to local communities, both socially and ececonomically. 

A) Agro tourism
B) Medical tourism
C) Entertainment

Ans : Agro tourism

17) Door to door service is provided by _________ transport.

A) Railway
B) Road
C) Air 

Ans : Road

18) __________ creates time utility.

A) Warehouse
B) Transport
C) Government

Ans : Warehouse

19) _____________ warehouses provide facilities for perishable commodities. 

A) Bonded
B) Cold storage
C) Government

Ans : Cold storage

20) _____________  policy covers all types of risks of a vessel while it is anchored at the port for a particular period of time.

A) Port risk
B) Voyage
C) Floating

Ans : Port risk

21) Principle of ___________ is not applicable to life ininsurance. 

A) Insurable interest
B) Utmost good faith
C) Indemnity

Ans : Indemnity

22) For Online transactions____________ is required.

A) Registration
B) Trading
C) Business 

Ans : Registration

23) The term 'e-business' is derived from the term ___________ and e-commerce

A) E-Cash
B) E-pay
C) E-mail

Ans : E-mail

24) The transactions under ____________ are between consumers and consumers.

A) B2B
B) C2C
C) B2C 

Ans : C2C

25) The process of contracting a business function to someone else is called as ____________.

A) Outsourcing
B) Trading
C) E-business

Ans : Outsourcing

26) In online shopping customers put the product in the ______________.

A) Shopping mall
B) Shopping cart
C) Shopping bag

Ans : shopping cart

27) Business is a ________ activity.

A) Socio-economic
B) Service
C) Non-profit

Ans : Socio-economic

28) The business organization should try to make ______ utilization of natural resources.

A) Minimum
B) Maximum
C) Optimum

Ans : Optimum

29) For economic growth and national security ______ stability is required.

A) Political
B) Social
C) Economic 

Ans : Political

30) Making timely payment of proper taxes is the responsibility of organisation towards ______.

A) Shareholders
B) Customers
C) Government 

Ans : Government

31) Businessmen are ______ of the society.

A) Representatives
B) leaders
C) Trustees

Ans : Trustees

32) The business should provide periodic information to ______.

A) Customers
B) Owners
C) Employees

Ans : Owners

33) The business should offer adequate opportunities of promotion to their ________.

A) Employees
B) Customers
C) Investors 

Ans : Employees

34) The term 'Ethics' is derived from the ______ word 'Ethos' which means character. 

A) Latin
B) French
C) Greek 

Ans : Greek 

35) Business ethics refers to the ______ system of principles.

A) Economic
B) Social
C) Moral 

Ans : Moral

36) The business organisation should protect health and provide safety measures to ______.

A) Employees
B) Owners
C) Investors 

Ans : Employees

37) At least ______% of the average net profit should be spent on C.S.R. 

A) 5%
B) 2%
C) 3%

Ans :  2%

38) In India, the consumer protection act was initiated in the year ______.

          A) 1943
B) 1989
C) 1986 

Ans : 1986

39) The President of District Commission is a ______.

A) District Judge
B) High Court Judge
C) Supreme Court Judge

Ans : District Judge 

40) The main objective of the consumer organization is to protect the interest of the ______.

A) Consumer
B) Trader
C) Producer

Ans : Consumer

41) ______ is the highest authority to settle the consumer dispute under Act.

A) State Commission
B) National Commission
C) District Commission 

Ans : National Commission

42) The Government has established ____________ to settle the consumer disputes by compromise.

A) District Commission
B) Lok Adalat
C) Consumer Organisation
D) National Commission

Ans : Lok Adalat

43) National Commission has ______ members.

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4 

Ans : 4

44) District Commission entertains complaints of the consumer for compensation which is less than ________. 

A) One crore
B) Ten lacs
C) Ten crore 

Ans : One crore

45) ______ is celebrated as World Consumer Day.

A) 24th December
B) 26th January
C) 15th March

Ans : 15th March

46) The term market is derived from the ______ word 'Mercatus'.

A) French
B) Latin
C) Italian 

Ans : Latin

47) In the ______ concept of market, the emphasis is given on 'buying and selling of goods or services'.

A) Place
B) Exchange
C) Customer

Ans : Exchange

48) Perishable goods such as vegetables, fruits, milk products, etc. are sold in Market ______.

A) Very Short Period
B) Short Period
C) Long Period

Ans : Very Short Period

49) The retail market is the market where the retailer sells goods directly to the ______ in small quantities.

A) Producer
B) Wholesaler
C) Consumer 

Ans : Consumer

50) In modern competitive market, consumer is regarded as the ____________.

A) King
B) Agency
C) Owner
D) Buyer  

Ans : King

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