Advanced Web Programming MCQ's With Answers
1. _________ defines a set of rules that enable interoperability on
- Common Language Specification
- Intermediate Language
- Common Run System
- Common Type System
Ans : Common Language Specification
2. ___________ object invokes one or more methods and is similar to a function pointer in C or C++.
- enumeration
- delegate
- structures
- string
Ans : Delegate
3. Which one of the following defines a set of integer constants with descriptive names.
- enumeration
- delegate
- delegate
- interfaces
Ans : enumeration
4. All .NET code runs inside the ____________.
Ans : CLR
5. The __________ is particularly useful for traversing the data in collections and arrays
- continue statement
- while loop
- foreach loop
- goto statement
Ans : foreach loop
6. Which of the following is not a member of System.Array class?
- Length property
- Sort method
- Reverse method
- Peek method
Ans : Peek method
7. ___________ Adds the specified character to the appropriate side of a string as many times as necessary to make the total length of the string equal to the number you specify
- PadLeft() and PadRight()
- Trim(), TrimEnd(), and TrimStart()
- ToUpper() and ToLower()
- Length
Ans : PadLeft() and PadRight()
8. To convert a variable, we need to specify the type in parentheses before the expression we are converting is called -------.
- appending
- nesting
- casting
- reversing
Ans : casting
9. Visual Studio provides statement completion for recognized objects and automatically lists information such as function parameters in helpful tooltips is,
- Page design
- automatic error detection
- debugging tools
- IntelliSense
Ans : IntelliSense
10. JIT stands for _______________.
- Java Interoperability Tool
- just in time
- java in timestamp
- Joint Interoperability Test
Ans : just in time
11. Most of the functionality of the .NET framework classes resides in the namespace called ____________.
- Data
- Service
- System
- Drawing
Ans : System
12. Which method of an Array creates a duplicate
- copy Copy()
- CopyTo()
- Clone()
- Sort()
Ans : Clone()
13. Which of the following is not a steps in creating and using a delegate?
- Delegate declaration
- Delegate methods definition
- Delegate indexing
- Delegate instantiation
Ans : Delegate indexing
14. Identify the wrong statement from the following.
- Virtual methods can be overridden.
- Abstract methods can be overridden.
- An abstract method can be declared as sealed.
- Abstract method cannot have body/implementation.
Ans : An abstract method can be declared as sealed.
15. A ____________class cannot be inherited.
- partial
- sealed
- abstract
- public
Ans : sealed
16. In ______________ arrays, each row can have variable number of columns.
- Two dimensional
- Jagged
- Object
- Two dimensional object arrays
Ans : Jagged
17. In switch statement __________ type expression is not allowed as case label.
- int
- float
- string
- long
Ans : float
18. Method hiding in c# is achieved using ________________keyword.
- override
- new
- virtual
- ref
Ans : new
19. Which of the following keyword is not used for specifying function parametrs?
- in
- out
- ref
- params
Ans : in
20. A property with only a get accessor is known as _______________.
- read only property
- smart array
- write only property
- read/write property
Ans : read only property
21. The ___________ keyword is used to access members of a parent class from within a derived class.
- parent
- super
- base
- this
Ans : base
22. _____________ enables multiple programmers to work on a class at the same time.
- abstract class
- sealed class
- public class
- partial class
Ans : partial class
23. ________________methods can be present only in an abstract classes.
- abstract
- virtual
- sealed
- constructor
Ans : abstract
24. A ______________ is a logical grouping of classes and interfaces.
- interface
- structure
- namespace
- enumeration
Ans : namespace